About the site

World’s first Open Source Paper Review to support Research and Development with the power of Open Source.

About us

Bravish AKA LoopGlitch

My name is Bravish Ghosh, I am currently pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering and I am in Sophomore year. My interests revolve around Research and Development, for the value addition in the society. I’m passionate about coding as much as in researching. I love to work on Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Web Development, Scientific Machine Learning, etc. Apart from Computer Science, I also love Physics (Astrophysics and Quantum Mechanics) and Mathematics (Geometry and Differential Equations). I always wonder how the Universe works, and try to figure out an ultimate unified theory to hold all the constraints and determine the most accurate reality of the existence, because there always exists some uncertainty. I have experience in MERN stack, Flask framework, Flutter, Android Studio, Streamlit, React JS, etc. I also love to solve various algorithmic problems in my spare time.

Edson AKA Lifeyard

My name is Edson Sousa, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and I’m currently doing my Master’s in Biodiversity Conservation and Animal Behaviour. More specifically, I have a broad interest in topics such as group competition, communication, mating tactics and conflict, parental care, and all forms of prosocial behaviours, for instance grooming between capuchin monkeys or cooperative hunting between moray eels and groupers. Understanding how animals solve their ecological problems is crucial to preserve their genetic diversity and habitats. Furthermore, with contemporary anthropogenic pressures that affect all ecosystems and animal physiology, it is increasingly more important to investigate how cognitive processes are affected to create better conservation measures. My work on this website will thus focus on these aspects.